Terraform caf rover: Terraform Basic Block

Terraform, an infrastructure as code tool, encompasses essential blocks. The Settings Block configures global settings like required version and backend. The Provider Block specifies the infrastructure provider. Resource Blocks define the resources to create, modify, or delete. Input Variables Block parameterizes the configuration. Output Variable Block provides deployed infrastructure information. Local Values Block simplifies complex expressions. Data Sources Block fetches external data. Modules Block promotes code reusability. By leveraging these blocks, Terraform empowers users to manage infrastructure in a scalable and efficient manner, achieving consistent and declarative configuration management.


Basant Pandey

6/26/20231 min read

Terraform Blocks
Terraform Blocks

Terraform Block

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code tool that enables you to define and manage your infrastructure resources using a declarative configuration language. To effectively utilize Terraform, it's important to understand various essential components and blocks. Let's explore them:

  1. Terraform Settings Block: The Terraform Settings Block is used to configure global settings for a Terraform configuration, such as the required Terraform version and backend configuration.

  2. Terraform Provider Block: The Terraform Provider Block specifies the cloud or infrastructure provider that Terraform will use to manage resources. It defines the provider type, version, and authentication details.

  3. Terraform Resource Block: The Terraform Resource Block defines a specific resource that Terraform should create, modify, or delete. It includes the resource type, name, and configuration settings specific to that resource.

  4. Terraform Input Variables Block: The Terraform Input Variables Block allows you to define variables that can be used to parameterize your Terraform configuration. These variables can be set by the user when running Terraform or through other methods like environment variables.

  5. Terraform Output Variable Block: The Terraform Output Variable Block defines values that Terraform will output after applying the configuration. These outputs can be used by other parts of the system or accessed by the user to retrieve information about the deployed infrastructure.

  6. Terraform Local Values Block: The Terraform Local Values Block allows you to define local variables within your Terraform configuration. These variables can be used for intermediate calculations or to simplify complex expressions.

  7. Data sources Block: The Data sources Block allows Terraform to fetch data from external sources, such as APIs or databases. It provides a way to import and use external data within the Terraform configuration.

  8. Modules Block: The Modules Block enables code reusability in Terraform. It allows you to define reusable modules that encapsulate a set of resources and configurations. Modules can be used to create reusable infrastructure patterns and simplify the management of complex environments.

Terraform Block