Terraform caf rover: Basic Command

We'll explore the fundamental Terraform commands and their significance: terraform init: Discover how to initialize a Terraform project, set up the working directory, and download any necessary provider plugins. terraform validate: Learn how to validate the syntax and structure of your Terraform configuration files, ensuring they adhere to the required standards. terraform plan: Uncover the power of the plan command, which generates an execution plan, highlighting the changes that will be applied to your infrastructure. terraform apply: Witness the magic of applying changes to your infrastructure, executing the planned actions and provisioning or modifying resources accordingly.


Basant Pandey

6/19/20232 min read

Terraform caf rover: Basic Command
Terraform caf rover: Basic Command

Join us in the world of Terraform CAF Rover as we uncover the power of its basic commands for seamless infrastructure management. In this informative blog post, we'll guide you through essential Terraform commands like init, validate, plan, apply, and destroy, enabling you to take full control of your cloud infrastructure.

Before diving into the commands, we'll cover a few preconditions to ensure a smooth experience. You'll learn how to clone the repository using the git clone command and ensure that Docker is up and running. Once you have the environment set up, it's time to run the container and execute the az login command to authenticate with your Azure account. Finally, we'll guide you through accessing the container's zsh shell, where you can utilize the t alias for Terraform.

Now, armed with the necessary prerequisites, we'll explore the fundamental Terraform commands and their significance:

  • terraform init: Discover how to initialize a Terraform project, set up the working directory, and download any necessary provider plugins.

  • terraform validate: Learn how to validate the syntax and structure of your Terraform configuration files, ensuring they adhere to the required standards.

  • terraform plan: Uncover the power of the plan command, which generates an execution plan, highlighting the changes that will be applied to your infrastructure.

  • terraform apply: Witness the magic of applying changes to your infrastructure, executing the planned actions and provisioning or modifying resources accordingly.

Terraform Code Block

terraform code block
terraform code block

Terraform Code Block

Terraform Init
Terraform Init

Terraform Init

Terraform validate
Terraform validate

Terraform Validate

Terraform plan

Terraform apply
Terraform apply

Terraform apply

Terrafom destroy

terraform caf roverterraform caf rover

Terraform caf rover -Basic Commands

Here are the commands

  • terraform init

  • terraform validate

  • terraform plan

  • terraform apply

  • terraform destroy